Benefits of Membership

EuroMarine has been created by its members in the belief that there is a real need and role for such a network. The buy-in by the 66 initial (2014, founding) member organisations of the consortium is a testament to a common vision for the potential of such an entity.  

Collective benefits

The existence and work of EuroMarine will contribute to achieving several crucial goals of concern to the community:

  • Visibility of the marine science community at Member State, European and international level
  • Recognition of the important role marine science plays in society
  • Maintaining of Europe position as a global leader in Marine Science.

Euromarine also brings tangible benefits to the wider marine science community and the general public, notably through the communication activities that are entrusted to the EuroMarine Association. Another example is the mentorship platform the EuroMarine's OYSTER group intends to launch in 2020-21: access to this service will be open to any European marine science students. It is also to be noted that, while only EuroMarine members can apply to funding calls, and they have priority to participate in funded actvities and see their participation covered, the participation in proposals and in funded activities is still open to non-members, which can thus also benefit from EuroMarine activities. Lastly, the EuroMarine Association intends to raise external funds, both to strengthen the programme of scientific activities and fellowships targeting the EuroMarine membership, and to develop new activities of general interest.

Benefits at organisation or individual level

Within its mission, EuroMarine will provide further benefits to its members. Such benefits will grow as the network evolves and new services come online. Benefits of membership include:

  • Access to EuroMarine information resources and activities. This places members ahead of the game: through foresight workshops or summer schools, members have an early access with respect to non members to new ideas and directions in marine sciences, which can stimulate individual scientists in member organizations to form or join networks, e.g. to construct proposals. This notably stands for transdisciplinary approaches embracing the areas of the former European Marine Science Networks of Excellence (NoEs) – from the ecosystem to the organism and molecular levels – and disciplines ranging from physics and biogeochemistry to biology and social sciences.
  • Access to a large multidisciplinary network, which can help members to build professional relationships and develop strategic collaborations
  • Use of the EuroMarine Secretariat and EuroMarine communication tools to disseminate information to the community and showcase scientific achievements
  • Eligibility for participation in exclusive EuroMarine events and working groups
  • Eligibility to apply for EuroMarine funding
  • Preferential access to new resources and services that EuroMarine will develop in the future based on member wishes.