The EuroMarine Consortium

The EuroMarine Consortium is open to European academic or research organisations that are active in marine sciences (which can become full members), as well as academic or research organisations outside Europe, notably from developing countries (which can become invited members).

The minimum full membership fee was initially set at €2,500 and increased to €3,500 in 2020; higher contributions are made on a voluntary basis only; the highest contribution amounts to 40,000€.

General Assembly

The General Assembly (GA) is the main governing (and ultimate decision-making) body of the EuroMarine Consortium. It is composed of the representatives of all member organisations, of which only 'Full' (contributing) members can vote. It meets at the beginning of each civil year to discuss the EuroMarine strategy and action plan, and to make decisions (notably concerning EuroMarine membershipbudget and yearly funding cals).

picture of Naples, 2015 GA meetingEuroMarine first General Assembly meeting - Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn di Napoli (SZN), Naples, Italy, 24-25 February 2015.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee (SC) is elected by the General Assembly. It has both steering and executive missions. Notably: it prepares meetings and proposes decisions regarding EuroMarine strategic programme; it can be mandated by the GA to make or implement decisions; it adopts and revise the procedure used to select successful proposals submitted to EuroMarine yearly calls.

Current Members appointed by the General Assembly (as of Dec. 2020)
1 - BATHMANN Ulrich (Germany - IOW)
2 - DE PASCALE Donatella (Italy - CNR)
3 - DOHNA Tina  (Germany - UniHB - MARUM)
4 - GARCIA SOTO Carlos, SC Chair (Spain - IEO)
5 - GONÇALVES Emanuel (Portugal - MARE)
6 - LANDOLFI Angela (Germany - GEOMAR)
7 - MARTIN Daniel (Spain - CSIC)
8 - MURPHY David (Ireland - AquaTT)
9 - PESANT Stéphane (provisionally retained although having moved in 2020 to an organisation currently outside EuroMarine: EMBL-EBI)
10 - RAMŠAK Andreja (Slovenia - NIL)
11 - SANTOS Rui (Portugal - CCMAR)
12 - SOLIDORO Cosimo (Italy - OGS)
13 - SOUSA PINTO Isabel (Portugal - CIIMAR)
14 - VERGARA Juan José (Spain - UCA)
15 - ZAVATARELLI Marco (Italy - CoNISMa)

De facto members (Nominated by organisations contributing at or over 10 k€ to the yearly budget)
16 - MARIANI Patrizio (Denmark - DTU Aqua; former elected SC member and SC Chair)

Ex officio members (EuroMarine Chairs)
17 - BOYEN Catherine (France - CNRS)
18 - CURY Philippe (France - IRD) 

Former members
BERDALET Elisa (Spain - CSIC)
DUPONT Sam (Sweden - UGOT)
HAWKINS Steve (UK - Soton-NOCS)
IANORA Adrianna (Italy - SZN)
OLSEN Jeanine (Netherlands - RUG-GELIFES)
PADE Nicolas (UK - MBA / FR - Sorbonne U.)
PIRAINO Stefano (Italy - CoNISMa)
PIWOWARCZYK Joanna (Poland - IO-PAN)
TREGUER Paul (France - CNRS)
VANREUSEL Ann (Belgium - UGent)

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is an optional body, whose creation has been postponed.


The (distributed) Secretariat supports all Consortium Bodies as well as the EuroMarine Association.

Consortium Chair(s)

The Consortium (co-)Chair(s) chair the General Assembly and act as EuroMarine scientific (co-)coordinator(s) and as its spokesperson(s).