GEO Climate Workshop: Earth observations for the Paris agreementExternal

Activity Overview

Type: Capacity building and training
Start Date: June 13, 2018
End Date: June 13, 2018
Venue: Geneva, Switzerland
Website: GEO Climate Workshop website
E-mail: secretariat [at]

GEO is inviting climate partners and those interesting in supporting the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement to attend the 1st GEO Climate Workshop: Earth Observations for the Paris Agreement in Geneva, Switzerland, following the 2018 GEO Symposium

The workshop will take stock of climate initiatives and activities in the GEO Work Programme and beyond, including the work of key organizations including GCOS, IPCC, WMO and UNFCCC, in order to identify gaps and develop tangible action areas. It will address all relevant areas in the Paris Agreement, focusing on areas where GEO can provide most added value: adaptation, loss & damage and capacity development.

The overall objectives of the workshop are to:

  1. enhance the understanding of how the Earth Observation community can support the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and;
  2. to discuss a more integrated approach to climate across the GEO Work Programme.

The workshop is particularly aimed at representatives of relevant GEO activities, international organisations and national representatives.