Set of presentations given during EuroMarine 2015 General Assembly meetingInternal

The first EuroMarine General Assembly (GA) meeting was structured as follows: 

  • Day 1 (09:30-18:00): (1) Six 30-minute scientific presentations followed by brief (10-minute) discussions (covering widely differing disciplines; providing in their concluding slides a 'vision' to inform the GA and the development of EuroMarine scientific strategy); (2) a 1-hour general discussion of EuroMarine scientific strategy; and (3) three brief presentations about education, communication and services.
  • Day 2 (09:00-13:00): Organizational items and decision-making concerning: (1) the ratification of past decisions (made under the preparatory project or before the signature of the Consortium Agreement (CA) of 1 June 2014); (2) EuroMarine governance or legal framework; and (3) yearly decisions.

All presentations given during the meeting are attached, except the following scientific presentation:

  • Arnaud Bertrand (IRD) - How anoxia impacts marine ecosystems and reveals pelagic oases

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