PhD in Marine Biology/Environment and Sustainable AquacultureExternal

Deadline: November 30 2021

News Overview

E-mail: geral [at]
Deadline: November 30, 2021

The Laboratório Colaborativo em Aquacultura Sustentável e Inteligente (S2AQUAcoLAB) is seeking 1 Marine or Environmental Sciences biologist. 

The vacancy is open citizens of any nationality including stateless persons under a certain term contract to carry out work in aquaculture systems: climate change monitoring / adaptation and environmental challenges that support friendly production systems.

Please send  a Motivation Letter (with a personal assessment of the suitability of the activities of the last 5 years to the present competition, highlighting the publications chosen and considered most relevant, and career plan), detailed Curriculum Vitae according to the requirements and selection criteria of the competition, digital copies (e.g. PDF) of up to 3 publications considered by the applicant as most relevant; copy of PhD certificate; indication of up to 3 references and their contact by email; other documents which the applicant considers to be important for this competition to geralats2aquacolab [dot] pt by November 30 2021