PhD Opportunity: Growing shrimp indoors – understanding physiology to optimize healthExternal

News Overview

Contact: Robert Ellis
E-mail: r.p.ellis [at]
website: Full PhD post
Deadline: January 30, 2019
Registration website: Online application portal

CEFAS in partnership with the University of Exeter are funding  two new PhD projects to start in September 2019.

This project will use a multi-disciplinary experimental approach to asses shrimp health and productivity associated with RAS production. Working as part of a unique team that brings together expertise in ecophysiology, endocrinology, RAS production, microbial diversity, pathology and crustacean disease, the student will develop and test a set of biomarkers relating to shrimp stress, immunological and reproductive processes, and health outcomes (pathology, microbiome), placing these in context of the physico-chemical conditions of the RAS system during the grow-out phase. The overall aim is to develop a deep understanding of the stressors inherent within these systems and, to propose mitigation strategies for improved welfare and health outcomes. The project also benefits significantly from an industrial partnership with FloGro Systems Ltd who are the primary UK shrimp producer, and are leading RAS production of shrimp in Europe. This partnership will provide the student with crucial access to RAS facilities, industrial expertise and experimental animals. This PhD therefore offers an exciting opportunity to develop current understanding with respect to the technological advancement of a globally important aquaculture sector, using a truly multidisciplinary experimental approach and benefiting from access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities at the University of Exeter and Cefas, as well as a partnership with the leading industrial producer in the UK. Any interested candidates are encouraged to contact the supervisory team for more details.

To apply, please visit the online application portal on the University of Exeter website (link above).