Emergence of pathogens in natural Vibrio populations: ecology, evolution and pathogenesisInternal


Activity Overview

Type: Foresight Workshop
Start Date: March 11, 2015
End Date: March 12, 2015
Host: CNRS
Venue: Paris, France
Contact: Frédérique Le Roux
E-mail: fleroux [at] sb-roscoff.fr
Funding Call: EuroMarine 2014 Call for Proposals
Decision Body: EuroMarine Steering Committee
Total Budget: €13,000
Funds Granted: €10,000
Funds Spent: €8,571

Manager(s): Frédérique Le Roux
Co-organiser(s): Lone Gram, Tom Defoirdt, Mathias Wegner, Matthias Labrenz, Raphaël Lami, Christine Paillard, Delphine Destoumieux, Annick Jacq, Didier Mazel, Dominique Hervio
Abstract submission deadline: May 31, 2016
Early registration deadline: May 10, 2016
Application/registration deadline: May 31, 2016

The lack of knowledge regarding the virulence, persistence and ecology of these non-pandemic strains limits our possibilities to envision the present and future importance of these strains in terms of food safety and public health. Understanding an emerging disease requires the investigation of the microbe and its evolution at the gene, genome and metagenome levels; including basic and applied research in subjects such as ecology, evolution, molecular and cellular biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, mathematics, and systems biology.

The objective of this event in March 2014 at the Ifremer Institute is to achieve collaboration within such a numerous and diverse scientific community through the participation of 60 invited speakers including senior, junior and student scientists. This will be achieved by bringing together fundamental and applied research teams in an EU consortium to investigate the emergence of pathogens in natural Vibrio populations but also to answer questions that meets societal needs. It will take place during a gathering of the EFOR network in co-ordination with EMBRC-France.

The expected outputs of the workshop are: a synthesis and perspective report working towards addressing future EU research needs for Vibrio populations in the context of the H2020 call; strengthening the web communication network to foster knowledge sharing between the vibrio community including data and material sharing; and organising training for junior and senior researchers and technicians.

A dispersed EU community gathered to look at the challenges and address the issues of ecology, pathogenesis, molecular mechanism, risk survey and management of natural Vibrio populations. Expertise for most of these crucial challenges was present and the unification of this expertise under a European umbrella of Vibrio research will undoubtedly foster a more productive combination of basic and applied research in the future.

An international Vibrio conference followed the workshop (29 Mar.-1 Apr. 2016, Roscoff). Another international conference will be held, since the first provided an excellent forum for uniting experts in Vibrio ecology, evolution and pathogenesis. The workshop led to a proposal for a COST project action in 2016 (which was rejected). A published article reviewed the results and perspectives of the first workshop.

Le Roux, F. et al. (2015) The emergence of Vibrio pathogens in Europe: ecology, evolution and pathogenesis, Frontiers in Microbiology 8 830


  • The COST action proposal was submitted in Dec. 2016 but was rejected in June 2017.
  • The next international conference was held in Chicago in 2017.

Update Feed

October 19, 2017 - News - Update or Reminder - Drafting Committee for COST project established